Living Will

Living Will

Ensuring Your Wishes Are Honored

A living will is a crucial legal document that outlines your preferences for medical treatment in the event that you become incapacitated and unable to communicate your decisions. In Florida, a living will ensures that your healthcare wishes are respected and followed, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Living Wills

Planning for Future Healthcare Decisions with a Living Will

A living will is an essential component of comprehensive estate planning. In Florida, this legal document allows you to clearly state your preferences regarding medical treatments and life-sustaining procedures in situations where you may be unable to communicate due to illness or injury. By specifying your wishes in advance, a living will help to alleviate the burden on your family members and healthcare providers, ensuring that your choices are honored.

Why Create a Living Will?

Creating a living will is about taking control of your future healthcare decisions. It provides clear instructions on your desired medical interventions, such as resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, tube feeding, and other life-prolonging measures. Without a living will, these critical decisions might fall to your family members or medical professionals who may not be aware of your preferences, potentially leading to decisions that do not align with your values and desires.

In Florida, a living will must meet certain legal requirements to be valid. The document must be:

  • Written: Verbal statements are not sufficient.
  • Signed: You must sign the living will, or if you are unable, you can direct someone else to sign it in your presence.
  • Witnessed: The signing must be witnessed by two adults. One of these witnesses cannot be your spouse or a blood relative.

What to Include in Your Living Will

When drafting a living will, it?s important to be as specific as possible to ensure your wishes are accurately conveyed. Consider including:

  • Personal Identification Information: Your full name, address, and date of birth.
  • Medical Treatment Preferences: Detailed instructions on the types of medical treatment you wish to receive or refuse in various scenarios.
  • End-of-Life Care: Your preferences regarding palliative care, pain management, and any religious or spiritual considerations.
  • Designation of Healthcare Surrogate: Although separate from the living will, it?s advisable to appoint a healthcare surrogate who can make decisions on your behalf if you are unable.

Reviewing and Updating Your Living Will

It?s important to review your living will periodically to ensure it still reflects your current wishes. Significant life events, such as changes in your health status, marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child, may necessitate updates to your document. Florida law allows you to revoke or amend your living will at any time, provided you are of sound mind.

How We Can Help

Our experienced attorneys at Kania Law Offices are dedicated to helping you create a living will that clearly articulates your healthcare preferences. We understand the complexities of Florida?s legal requirements and will guide you through the process to ensure your document is legally sound and comprehensive. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step in securing your healthcare decisions.

Taking the First Step

Start the conversation today by scheduling a free consultation with attorney Amanda Kania. Let us help you find peace of mind and take control of your future.

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